The Tenth Part of the Word of Set

Coraxo chis cormp od blans Lucal aziazor paeb Soba Lilonon chis virq op cophan od raclir maasi bagle caosgi ds ialpon dosig od basgim od ox ex dazis siatris od salbrox cynxir faboan Vnal chis Const ds daox cocasg ol Oanio yor vohim ol gizyax od eors cocasg plosi molui ds pageip larag om droln matorb cocasb emna Lpatralx yolci matb nomig monons olora gnay angelard Ohio ohio ohio ohio ohio ohio noib Ohio Caosgon Bagle madrid i zirop chiso drilpa Niiso crip ip nidali.


The threat of your destruction grows as a tree in the north; its branches reach to cover the Earth with misery and despair; it consumes being night and day; it slays as the scorpion; it poisons the very air with its stench. This is the doom whose triumph would destroy you as would the rupture of the Earth itself. Then this one growth would nourish thousands, even as a foulness of heart perverts the mind. And then woe, woe, woe, woe, woe, woe, yes, woe to the Earth, for its foulness will be great. Heed well the warning of this Word.