The Eleventh Part of the Word of Set

Oxiayal holdo od zirom O coraxo ds zildar raasy od vabzir camliax od bahal Niiso Salman teloch Casarman holq od ti ta zchis soba cormf iga Niisa Bagle abramg Noncp ZACARe ca od ZAMRAN odo cicle qaa zorge Lap zirdo Noco Mad Hoath Iaida.


The Temple falls, the pentagram vanishes to await a new dawn, and my Other Face cries beware. For the third ordering confronts the danger of death, even as they who worship it. Beware, for it is I who warn you. Arise thus in your glory, behold the genius of your creation, and be prideful of being, for I am the same – I who am the Highest of Life.