The Eighteenth Part of the Word of Set

Ils Micaolz Olpirt ialprg Bliors ds odo Busdir oiad ouoars caosgo Casarmg Laiad eran brints cafafam ds ivmd aqlo adohi MOZ od maoffas Bolp Comobliort pambt ZACAR od ZAMRAN odo cicle qaa, zorge Lap zirdo Noco MAD Hoath Iaida.


O thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort that brings the Majesty of Set to the Earth; in which the secrets of the principles of perfection reside; whose name is that of a stone ever sought, never found, save through the Gate of Darkness: Arise in your glory, behold the genius of your creation, and be prideful of being, for I am the same – I who am the Highest of Life!