The Nineteenth Part of the Word of Set

Madriax dspraf [___] chis Micaolz Saanir Caosgo odfisis balzizras Iaida nonca gohulim Micma adoian MAD Iaod bliorb Sabaooaona chis Luciftias peripsol ds abraasa noncf netaaib Caosgi od tilb adphaht damploz tooat noncf gmicalzoma lrasd tofglo marb yarry IDOIGO od torzulp iaodaf gohol Caosga tabaord saanir od Christeos yrpoil tiobl Busdirtilb noaln paid orsba od dodrmni zylna Elzaptilb parmgi peripsax od ta Qurlst booapiS Lnibm ov cho symp, od Christeos Agtoltorn mirc Q tiobl Lel Ton paombd dilzmo aspian, Od Christeos Agltortorn parach asymp, Cordziz dodpal fifalz lsmnad, Od fargt bams omaoas, Conisbra od auauox tonug Orscatbl noafmi tabges Leuithmong vnchi omptilb ors Bagle Moooah olcordziz Lcapimao ixomaxip odcacocasb gosaa Baglen pii tianta ababalond odfaorgt telocvovim Madriiax torzu Oadriax orocha aboapri Tabaori priaz artabas Adrpan corsta dobix. Yolcam priazi arcoazior Odquasbqting Ripir paaoxt sagacor Vml od prdzar cacrg Aoiveae cormpt TORZU ZACAR od ZAMRAN aspt sibsi butmona ds Surzas tia baltan: Odo cicle qaa: od Ozazma plapli Iadnamad.


O vision of the [# AEthyr], whose power is upon the Earth and reflects a perfection of the Highest of Life: I summon you that I may see with the eyes of Set your creator, the Eyes of Starlight. He it was who conceived you for an Understanding of the Universe, to make all things of which you partake intelligible; as against the aimlessness of the nature of lower existence. The Earth is but a part of this nature: Its course is without purpose; its creatures ever change. Even those of the second ordering of nature are confused and aimless; they have forgotten their past, and their greatest works are defaced and destroyed, finally to become dwellings for the beasts of the first ordering. Why? The second ordering was mere accident of chance. For a moment the Earth becomes conscious, then it becomes forgetful and savage, and finally it shall be a land of death. O vision, appear! Manifest the existence which partakes of you. Create that which is newly of you; abandon that which turns away from you; strengthen that which increases of you; and destroy that which knows not of you. Let nothing of nature escape your touch; enter and depart throughout the farthest reaches of the Universe. Arise in your glory and honor the Word of Set, which he has spoken to us in his perfection. Behold the genius of your creation, and let us partake of undefiled wisdom.

The Aethyrs of the Nineteenth Part

30 – TEX 29 – RII 28 – BAG 27 – ZAA 26 – DES
25 – VTI 24 – NIA 23 – TOR 22 – LIN 21 – ASP
20 – KHR 19 – POP 18 – ZEN 17 – TAN 16 – LEA
15 – OXO 14 – VTA 13 – ZIM 12 – LOE 11 – ICH
10 – ZAX 9 – ZIP 8 – ZID 7 – DEO 6 – MAZ
5 – LIT 4 – PAZ 3 – ZOM 2 – ARN 1 – LIL