The Eighth Part of the Word of Set

Bazmelo ita piripson oln Nazavabh ox casarmg vran chis ugeg dsa bramg baltoha gohoiad Solamian trian talolcis Abaiuonin Od aziagier rior Irgilchisda dspaaox bufd Caosgo dschis odipuran teloah cacrg oisalman loncho od Vouina carbaf Niiso Bagle auauago gohon Niiso bagle momao siaion od mabza Iadoiasmomar poilp Niis ZAMRAN ciaofi caosgo od bliors od corsi ta abramig.


At the zenith of their power, the third ordering shall dwell within my Temple, whose endurance shall signify my own dwelling in their land and a sanctuary from the worship of death. For the Elect shall not die unless my Temple perishes and I depart. Beware, for annihilation threatens; beware, for the majesty of my existence is divided against itself. Manifest your strength in the land for your preservation and for those who may seek your company.