The Ninth Part of the Word of Set

Micaoli bransg prgel napta ialpor ds brin efafafe P vonpho olani od obza sobca vpaah chis tatan od tranan balye alar lusda soboln od chisholq Cnoquodi cial vnal aldon mom caosgo ta lasollor gnay limlal Amma chiis Sobca madrid zchis, ooanoan chis auiny drilpi caosgin, od butmoni parm zumvi Cnila Daziz cthamz a childao od mirc ozol chis pidiai Collal Ulcinin asobam vcim Bagle Iadbaltoh chirlan par Niiso od ip ofafafe Bagle acocasb icorsca unig blior.


And in the twilight of your time, you shall confront the priests and armies of death, enraged by the intoxicant of destruction, who slay themselves even as they would you and whose piety is that of decay and dissolution. They cherish the fruits of Earthly decay as the richest of treasures. Accursed are they for this foulness! You shall know them by the dullness of their eyes and the savagery of their speech, despite the jewels with which they adorn themselves and the marble they may work. Look on them and be prideful that you do not worship their god of death. Beware of them and of their intoxicant! Your endurance depends on your essence.