Word of Set – Part 4


Working: Fourth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:
A dialog with the High Priest of Set, changed my perspective on the four orderings of life, which emerge within this part the first time, in the Word of Set.

This dialog about the four orderings influenced my meditation on this working deeply. By this the emergence of physical life, from physical materials, came into my mind within this meditation. Cells transform into more complex life forms like plants and primal animals. This could be the first ordering within the Word of Set.

The second ordering of life, is named within the fourth part of the Word of Set. The second ordering would be the emergence of mind within living species.In my meditation I go along this evolutionary development in life.

In my personal pre-dialog (with Magus F.) I interpreted the four orderings, as different stages in the individual being, in which they emerge by working along initiation and not in living beings in general. To many human beings is the physical Universe, their only reality, in which they exist – this would be then the first ordering.

Some of them recognize the Subjective Universe and the Objective Universe and realize the separation between those two realities, which include the emergence of an unknown part of the Self, by consciousness. The higher octave come into mind as the Essence of the Self and with this the second ordering within initiation emerge within the being.

I think that my more individual perspective came into being for the
reason because of the way I work toward changes within my Self by Initiation. To me it is one of the best tools to draw inspiration from the Darkness, the Aeon of Set, and express this into creative processes to put this substance (inspiration) in relationship and connection with my Self, with the help of visual art.

Also I will cite in this connection Andrei Tarkovsky:

„ All creative work strives for simplicity, for perfectly simple expression; and this means reaching down into the furthest depths of the recreation of life. But that is the most painful part of creative work: Finding the shortest path between what you want to say or express and its ultimate reproduction in the finished image. The struggle for simplicity is the painful search for a form adequate to the truth you have grasped. You long to be able to achieve great things while economizing the means.“

The visual expression for this fourth part of the Word of Set is this one below.

The meaning of this drawing is to me twofold, even like the two streams of interpretation of the four orderings of life within the Word of Set.

1. The emergence of mind within physical lifeforms, include the ability of thinking about the own mortality, the individual focus within life beside the instinctive complex and self reflection (or putting the self in reference to a philosophical concept).

2. The separation of the Objective Universe and Subjective Universe lead to the recognition of the Essence of the Self. With this recognition, monotheistic, Osirian perspectives and a cult focused on the afterlife by limiting the freedom and indulgence of life fall apart, from the Individual, by free decision of the Individual.