Word of Set – Part 10


Working: Tenth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

To my impression, is the 10. part of the Word of Set a continuation of part 9. The 10. part is a look on the coming obliteration of being. The whole 9. part is very apocalyptical, alike the Book of Revelation and Apocrypha Revelations.

From the perspective of understanding the 10. part in connection to the 9. part, it seems like the Priests of Death and Destruction have evoked the Revelation. The focus of the Priests of Death on stasis, their Death Cult of an Afterlife and their hunger for secular possessions, seem to be linked to the great monotheistic Cults. Also to the War between those monotheistic Cults and against all those who do not believe.

The whole Part and the Revelation seem to be linked to a War between Pistis and Gnosis.

Part 9 of the Word of Set, mention the Priests of Death and Destruction and is, by that focused on a group of human beings. The obliteration of all being, within Part 10, seem to be more non-personalized.

In my perspective exist in that part also a reference to the Sixth Angle of the Seal of Runa, as the Angle of Monotheism that destroys by its corruption of the Golden Rectangle, the perfection of the Pentagram as the symbol for isolate Intelligence).

That is the drawing, I have chosen for this part of the Word of Set:

The drawing symbolizes simply the dissolution of physical existence, while the true nature of the Self emergence, by the dissolution of its vessel. By the emergence of the Self becomes the foulness and the poison of stasis and afterlife promises obvious.
