Word of Set – Part 11


Working: Eleventh Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

The apocalyptic character find a new height in the eleventh part of the Word of Set and unfolds its whole destruction. In connection to the previous parts and based on them, the eleventh part arise to the vanishing of the Pentagram and the third Ordering, the Initiates of the Pentagram, are confronted with the danger of death.

In the past I did a lot of longtime Workings, that were structured like the Word of Set but to work through the Word of Set, is to me very different.

I have the weird observation, that the Character of each Part of the Word of Set, influence my personal experience, between the Workings. Like the character of each part of the Word give me something that I need (that mean not something that I had wish for, or would like to learn.)  I recently recognized that influence on me, while working through the more apocalyptic parts of the Word of Set, for the reason, that my day to day experience became unexpectedly unstable at the point, that parts of the Word become my Workings.  While working through the Word of Set, I experienced in my day to day life very high heights and unexpected low abysses. That is absolutely not common to me, by always being a more relaxed and rational personality.

I mean here, while working through the Word of Set my experiences in my day to day experience became very turbulent and I see there a strong connection to the Workings across the Word of Set. I do not mean that the meaning of the Word, the context, become conveyed to my experience.

It feels more like, the character of each part become an influence and taking effect on my being, by experiences I have to make and to handle. It is also for this reason, that working through the Word of Set take to me much more time then I expected before. As the effect of the previous working unfolded within me and my day to day experience, it took me more then one and a half month to continue with the next part of the Word. Until I felt that the time has come to proceed with that work, across the Word.

I never expected that this Work will become so intense to me or will emerge, as such a big effect, on me.

Also the sequence, I planned before, to work across the Word of Set as a longtime Working became completely different, too. I planned to have a decompression before each working and that I would be able to see a result more or less after the Working – that plan did completely do not work.

Each Part and each working unfold its effect within me and beyond me, so to say. That always took some time, I never can overlook before, until the next Part come into my mind and I feeling ready to proceed in that work.

Also the effect of working through each Part, is not easy to formulate because of the individual character, as the effect emerge to me and within me. It feels like the concrete effect happens on the border between the Objective Universe and Self, so it is always a bit hidden to actual awareness or have to be become recognized as a new part of the Subjective Universe before being able to proceed.

The unfolding of the effect in the Subjective Universe, its recognition and processing took some time, without being able to formalize that emergence more concrete. If the processing is finished the effect of the Working took change in the Objective Universe and to me, as individual, too.

The drawing to the eleventh part of the Word of Set is this one:

It is contemplating the physical death, that is foreseen here, to the third Ordering but in addition of a wreath of flowers. The wreath of flowers, is to me a symbol to the physical Universe in general and the emergence of life within a physical Universe in special. The combination of both is the realization of the permanence of the Self beyond physical death and the existence as being a part, a cell, of the Aeon of Set.
