Word of Set – Part 14


Working: Fourteenth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

Set speak in this part to the beings of the third ordering, to my personal understanding. The ordering of the Magicians are called here the children of fury and perfection. In my opinion, Set is calling beings of that ordering Sons of fury, for the reason of the fact, that the perception and consciousness of the true, separate and distinct existence of the Self, from the objective universe, were denied for such a long time. The freedom to speak about the phenomena of the Self, as being not part of the natural universe, is still causing fear and rejection to many people of monotheistic
religions. The realization that the psyche is separate from the objective universe and that the psyche or Self is non-natural, had to be hidden, was forbidden and causing fury for a long period of human societies.

The true nature of the Self, that exist as a neter and that is accomplished through reflective, non-reactive thinking, is the perfection of being. The Self is immortal and eternal in its existence as a neter. For that reason Set call his daughters, daughters of perfection, here. Maybe is the duality of gender meaningful in that part because of the duality that is part, of every human beings inner perception, as a part of his/her own existence?

The promise, Set is referring to in this part of his Word, is the ability to align our consciousness with the neter, that the Self is. This ability, to align the consciousness with the Psyche, to become aware about the psyche and look from this separate perspective on the objective universe, is as well the ability to Xeper. This mean as well, to be able to expand the own consciousness, on the relationship between the individuals subjective universe and the objective universe, which is the ability to work Black Magic, too. In this perspective is the promise of Set, the ability to experience and to seek Xeper. Set, as the one who brought the knowledge of the perfection of existence to humankind, emerge in this part of his word, also as the First Principle of Black Magic.

This is the drawing to this part of the Word of Set:

The meaning of the drawing is the awake state of the psyche, the self-reflective and self-consciousness state of being within the Psyche, that exist in itself, is able to expand the Self by creation, that is called the experience of Xeper.
