Word of Set Part 1

Dee’s Hieroglyphic Monad – a commissioned piece 

Inspiration 1 – Dee’s Hieroglyphic Monad is a symbolic representation of the cosmos.  Dee wrote of the mathematical/magical meanings of the sigil in his ‘Monas Hieroglyphica’.  Encoded within it are many ideas: dual nature of self, the four-fold self-complex represented by the elements, the seven traditional planetary astrological symbols…. All of which map the totality of the natural universe and our role within (& beyond?) it.  At the center is the single point, signifying a singular metaphysical entity from which material properties are said to derive.  The singular point leads to everything, including ‘flow’ and movement, and that beyond the ‘veil of nature’.

NYC Planning Map – Ordering the Cosmos

Inspiration 2 – New York City is chaos; it is order.  It’s street & subway grid structure seem to impose order to maneuver the chaotic energy in flows that encourage speed and efficiency in commerce & communication.   There seems to be no center to the warp and weft of the system..

Results – 

A primal female energy force.  In seeking a representation to post (pictures show much more than words), it is difficult.  Not a sexualized female, not one doing things men normally do to appear fierce, not  a ‘destructive mother nature’ kind of force.  Something ordered AND chaotic, something center-less AND centered, purposeful but open to opportunity.

This somewhat illustrates it (storms seem inherently ‘female’ to me):