Word of Set Part 3


Outside of time: timelessness.


Flight of the Witches



I had the occasion to visit the beach for this Working – the wind was quite strong and I focused on the sound of my voice almost being ripped from my mouth as I spoke the words. It made me realize that the strength of my ‘voice’ needed to be quite strong or would not carry, or even reach my own ears.  Later I engaged in a dream working with others.  One of the dreams stood out as a shift in perception for me, so I count it as a knowledge of the mind.  It was a dream about robbery, and its association with ‘attraction’… That something we’d want to ‘take’ holds some attraction for us, and rather than take it (rob it), try giving or imbuing more of the same kind of energy that you find attractive.  I was meditating especially on relation to my work with other magicians in a group environment – the knowledge here was that the relationship is not to ‘take’ but to give, to personally get more out of it.  Simple perhaps, but it was a slice of knowledge.