Word of Set Part 5


The inspiration for the 5th Part, Knowledge of Xeper as the road to Rulership/Earth, of Molly’s affirmation of Love, Lust & Life seemed a bridge from my Part 4 Working to Part 5.  I wanted to perform the ritual grounded to a place that I find solace in, that would move me to say Yes!   I found the perfect great tree in Central Park on the North end of Bridle Path, of my favorite places.

The 5th Part influences were about Becoming a Royal Force in the Outer World, marked by Belial, and Xeper as a way of reaping the fruits of the earth and refining them to put them back into the world.



Desire IS.

It is not to be intellectually determined, emotionally wrought, or bodily forced.  The ‘work’ is to unearth it, follow it, encourage it, let it out to play, and make sure you do not get in its way (intellectually encumbering it, emotionally blocking it, bodily turning it away).  As Xeper is the Road to Rulership, it starts with Desire.  All follows.