Word of Set – Part 1

Working: First part of the Word of Set. 

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams: The eternal Set as a glyph for the aware eternal Self (higher octave of the Self) came into my mind. Xeper as a transformative process to become aware about the eternal Self and to exist, while being embedded in flesh as the eternal Self ( Daimonion ). In connection to the glyph of the eternal Set, this process is called Setamorphosis, which become completely aware in the state of akh, that mean to be a manifestation of Set in an individual way. The meaning of being Set, in an individual form can be expressed by the hieroglyphs of Xeper – I – Set. 

After the night I made this drawing – my personal interpretation of this drawing is, that it is showing a portal or doorway into the permanent existence within the Aeon of Set, the Darkness of the Black Flame or the awake consciousness on the whole self, including the higher octaves of the Self.