Word of Set – Part 5


Working: Fifth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:
The thoughts that came, while the meditation, into my mind were again twofold. A torrent of pictures, came chronological into my mind, based on the dialog with Magus F. and other Initiates:

The first ordering as the emergence of life from physical and chemical material.

The second ordering as the emergence of mind within living species.

The third ordering, to that the fifth part of the Word of Set is addressed. Which is the recognition of the potential of the mind and the possibility of aimed Self transformation. This aimed evolution of the mind in accordance to the Will ( individuality / Essence, expressed by the Telos of the Self). This expansion of the Mind give the ability to self-evolution and transformation, which is Black Magic. The cause of this it the aim to Xeper and the effect is to experience Xeper.

From an individual perspective or by trying to interpret, the orderings within the own individual being, the orderings become steps of initiation.

To many human beings is the physical Universe their only reality in that they exist. Some of them feel nevertheless the need for something different or are feeling, that there must be something more then that. That would be the first ordering.

Some of them recognize, by consciousness, the Subjective and the Objective Universe and realize the separation between them. That mean to realize the natural (physical) Universe and the non natural Subjective Universe, that is not based on physical laws. The recognition of the Subjective Universe as non-natural, including within the individual, the emergence of the higher Octave. I mean here the knowledge, that the Essence of the Self is non natural and able to transform the Self in accordance to the Will. This would be the second ordering.

The connection and relationship of the consciousness to the Essence of the Self, that is stated in the fifth part of the Word of Set, as the same then the Essence of Set, is then the third ordering. By this connection, the aware day to day Self, become able to act as the Essence of the Self. This Essence is the evolving individuality, driven by Xeper and basically the core of true individuality of the Self, expressed in the natural Universe ( Objective Universe). The non natural Self that come into being and act within the Natural Universe is called in the fifth Part of the Word of Set: „….reflecting the brilliance of the Stars and the nineteen Parts of this Word.“ I understand the reflecting of the brilliance of the Stars, as an evolutionary step within the being – the Self act and reflect the timeless Self of his being within the natural (physical) Universe.

This interpretation is based on the this part of the Word of Set, especially on the sentence: „ I am with you in peace and comfort and I entrust to you my essence, because this are we the same.“

The reflecting of the brilliance of the Stars, mean to be connected to- , acting as-, and be for a limited time (by the focus of the Will) the Neter, the Self really is, in its individuality.

This connection to an individual Neter being and becoming like a Neter, for a limited time, visible by personal action and words, that is manifesting within the third ordering of life was my inspiration to the drawing below. Also the statement that Set entrust to us his essence, because thus are we the same: