Word of Set – Part 15


Working: Fifteenth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

The Working on this Part of the Word of Set, had again a personal meaning to me. Working through the Parts of the Word of Set, vary to me, between more general meanings and a more personal insight and meaning. The Fifteenth Part was one of the Parts/Workings with a personal meaning.

While the Meditation, after speaking the Word, I had a very intense feeling of synchronicity of the Word of Set and my personal impression on the development, of the House of Saturn. Like always, I waited with the practical Working, until the Aethyrs Workings came back into my mind and until it felt right to me, to do the next Working. As I did the Working, I find the meaning of this Word, directly associated with my other Temple work.

My current work as a Master of the Trapezoid (the Order of the Trapezoid is created to protect the sacred Flame and Sets’ Temple), is the Geheimes Haus des Saturn, that is working with a specific spectrum of the Trapezoid.

The first connection to this part of the Word is the Knighthood of the O.Tr. and that the Fifteenth Part is addressed to all those, who are protectors of the sacred flame. The protectors of the sacred flame in the Word of Set, means of course all Nobles of Set and not only the Knights and Dames of the Order of the Trapezoid, but it felt like a connection between my current Work and this part of the Word.

The synchronicity of the Working emerged to me, by the synchronicity of the point of time, of the Working of the Fifteenth Part of the Word of Set, and the point of time, in that the House of Saturn became a cell, a living part, of Setian practice and theory. After more then two years of research and work, the Saturnian Doctrine and Liturgy ( Saturnian Magic in Theory and Practice), is integrated into the Setian Black Magic theory and is actively practiced, by Initiates of the Temple of Set, in the Geheimes Haus des Saturn. As it is told in the Fifteenth Part of the Word of Set, we are carrying forth the Word and the Seal of Set, as a part of Setian practice, in the Temple of Set, too. By carrying Saturnian Tradition, integrated into the Aeon of Set.

To put the attached drawing into reference to this part of the Word, the drawing represents to me the clearness of sight (the central eye) , within the Initate, that is mentioned in this part of the Word. The circle of snakes representing, based on the clearness of sight, the effects of our Work, in life and in the objective universe, too. The awareness of the true, distinct nature of the Soul, that the Initiate possess, causing change in the objective universe and finding expression, by our actions, in physical practice and Magic.
