Word of Set – Part 6


Working: Sixth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

As a part of the Sixth Part of the Word of Set the Fourth Ordering of life is mentioned the first time. From an evolutionary perspective or as an Exoteric perspective is the fourth ordering of life unknown till now, since we are third ordering of life. It describes a coming emergence as an evolutionary step, that mean a remarkable change that is not possible to regress without loss. This step, following evolution of the previous steps, have to be something very meaningful and to be a big difference to the previous orders of life. Nevertheless the fourth ordering is based on the First ordering in its coming into being.

From an individual focused, more esoteric perspective, is the fourth ordering of life a complex process within the Self. It would describe the distillation of the own, personal path of Initiation, to an unique occult and esoteric teaching, that is still based and in reference to the core ideas of the Temple of Set and its philosophy. By transforming the things the Initiate learned and experienced along the own path, into a teaching, that expand the Temples understanding of the relationship between the Subjective Universe and the Objective Universe, the students of this Initiate and the Initiate her/himself, as the creator of this teaching, become both transformed, by practicing the teaching. I think that the creation of such a teaching, as the process of distilling, need a time of separation from the living Temple, to focus on the parts of the living Temple that come into living magic within the Initiate. After the distillation of the the things that were learned to an unique teaching, as a pathway to understand Setian philosophy from that perspective, the Initiate have to learn and to create new tools to work magic for his own. A new path to experience the Aeon of Set need new tools to work magic with that teaching, too.

The fourth ordering of life would be the arrival of the Initiate, back into the living temple after the process of distillation and creation of fitting tools to work magic, ready to teach a new perspective on dealing with the relationship between once Subjective Universe to the Objective Universe.

This is the drawing in connection to the Sixth Word of Set:

From my perspective the drawing express to understand the physical existence as moving (dancing) along lifetime, while dancing is a creative act.

That mean an expression of the unique being (non-natural existence of the Self) within the Objective Universe (natural, physical realm). To me this is the core idea behind the esoteric meaning of the Sixth Part of the Word of Set. The interpretation of this drawing from the exoteric perspective could be that the four orderings of life are evolutionary steps emerging within physical existence and that they are all based on the previous evolutionary steps along the mortality of the previous ones. Evolution or transformation as an underlaying force behind the being, seem to be a factor that connect and underlay the natural part of existence and the non natural existence, too.
