Word of Set – Part 9


Working: Ninth Part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:

This part of the Word of Set, stood for some time in my awareness and I had to contemplate on it for some time after the Working. Even if it seem to be like a vision of the future, it still have a lot of reference to the society, we are living in today.

Even if the most people seem to life in a way, without thinking about the mortality of their bodies and are handling their day to day experience like they would life forever, societies seem to cherish decay and destruction. From a separate perspective that sometimes seems like the worship of destruction and death.

To stare into the own Self, seem to be limited to Initiates of different occult and esoteric pathways, while other people are only focused on worldly goods. The first time, in that series of Workings, I had a dream, following the Working. I am very rarely able to remember my dreams, maybe just three of four times a year. For that reason it is remarkable to me, that I had a dream following that Working:

I dreamed a black sphere upon my head, while was I looking on me from beyond myself. As I looked more focused, I realized that the black sphere consists of black fire and is not consistent. It was like a Black Sun, in a palm distance above my head. By the focus on that phenomenon my consciousness shift into the Black Sun and I loosing the perspective of an observer. Then the black sphere moving below and enters my head.

The following parts I am more feeling then seeing, within the dream. I realized that I am strongly connected to my body and I realized that this black sphere is the shape of my Self/Daimon. In that state of being, I was able to perceive all the different shades of personality, I use in my bodily day to day experience and also in which way, those shades, are different and distinct, too. But nevertheless, every personality shade, refer to the same Self, as its core individuality. Like, the biblical Legion parable, for the differences of personality, within one person.

(I think we often use different shadings of our personality in accordance to different situations, moods and in company with different people.)

In the dream I saw then a re-construction of my inmost Self. I saw that, even if the Self and the body are strongly connected, the personality is something like an interface between the Self/Daimon and the Body. (The reason of that interface is the exchange between them and also the dialog
with the Objective Universe, too.) The re-construction that happened, was that the shift of my consciousness to the Self/ Daimon, changed the inner structure of my being. Before that shift of consciousness, the personality was mastering my being because it was the present realization of the Self in my day to day experience. After the shift of consciousness, the personality serve the Self, instead that the personality master the Self, by being the common realization of the Self.

The Self, as the true nature of my being and the physical body creating a unity. Personality is just constructed as a necessary interface but in its nature an illusion, that become often confused with the Self.

As I mentioned before, the dream started with an outer perspective on my body, with the black sphere upon my head. As I became the Black Sphere, the dream continued much more abstract. Some parts seem to show a colored sphere that was above the black sphere and much bigger, this sphere pull over the black sphere like the movement of a jellyfish and further below the black sphere. In another segment of the dream there were a structure, like a schematic figure of Yggdrasil or the cabalistic tree of life – all very colored in front of black and moving and changing colors.

I do not really see a real connection to this part of the Word of Set, but I dreamed this very short after the Working. The only connection between this part of the Word and the dream is that my interpretation of the word is to being focused on „Becoming“ by looking to the inward of the Self. The black sphere, as a visual dream of the Self, is that which will emerge by looking inward, into the own Self.

To this part of the Word of Set, I chose that drawing: