Word of Set – Part 2


Working: Second part of the Word of Set.

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:
The physical vessel of the Self emerged to me as a Temple of the Self and by this as an inner Temple of Set. The being become a Temple of Set in that psyche grow up to become Set, by its highest individuality.

The process is to draw inspiration from the Aeon of Set and to express, act and speak in accordance to this inspiration. In this way become the inmost Temple of Set a living and breathing representation of the Aeon of Set. The dark light become recognizable within the physical world by being represented by the Elect – their actions, their voices and their presence. The fire and the force of the eternal Self / Set becomes effective and powerful, by being expressed within the world, inspired by the Black Flame and expressed creatively by the Initiate. The expression of the Black Flame by the Initiate who become its vessel and presence into the physical world is also a secret about the power and effectiveness of Black Magic ( the third and the fourth angle).

The drawing after the night of the working was today the following one. To me it is the visualization of the Inner Temple – the vessel of the eternal Self. The Tcham Scepter as a sign of Setian initiation break the false mask of non aware socialization, non awareness in general and limited Self awareness away and the whole Self complex become a Temple of Set, containing the, then aware, higher octave of the Self, as its Neter.