Word of Set – Part 3


Working: Third part of the Word of Set

Notes on the Meditation and Dreams:
This part is reflecting to me completely the Order of the Trapezoid and its Oath and also the work and perspective of the Saturnian Magician, too.

To protect the dark light, the Black Flame, to never become forgotten in the Objective Universe and that it will be known to humans. The work, to protect the dark light, to be never forgotten in the circle of physical existence and to human incarnations in general, will be done by using the clarity and wisdom we draw from that source. We lead by example and by our actions we are known.

Mentioning the „Essence of Set“, is a reference to the second part of the Word of Set and a paradox is to me clarified by this: We become the eternal Set or like Set in an individual way – I wrote about the second part of the Word of Set.

The Self is a unity, we just have one Self. This Self contain a higher octave, to which we will gain access and become conscious about, on the way of left hand path initiation. From the perspective of consciousness we become more complex by becoming Self-transformed. This means that our being, the Self, is in its Essence the same as the Essence of Set. We come into being – the Self created one.

By coming into being, we, the Self, become aware that it is in its Essence, the same as the Essence of Set. Once, later on this path, the whole being is permeated by the Essence of Set and the foremost hidden parts becoming in unity to the conscious being of the Magician. The whole Self become permeated by the Essence of Set – an inner Temple of Set which is repeating Xeper in all its actions.

The Self exists within the physical realm but also beyond the physical realm (especially the higher octave of the Self exist beyond time and space). But to keep initiation alive and to find the own path it is necessary to protect and to keep the knowledge of the Black Flame alive. I mean here Black Magic transform the Magician but reflect always and change always the Objective space, too – again: We lead by example and by our actions we are known.

About this third part I have two drawings which came into my mind.

1. Consciousness beyond the Objective Universe by realizing the Essence of Set as the essence of the Self (Drawing 1)

2. The trapezoid Knight, within the Objective Universe but knowing about – and acting while realizing, the Essence of Set, within the Self (Drawing 2)