Word of Set – First Part

Dream:  My point of view is a composite of being an observer, participant and ‘victim’.

I’m in a room with a table on it.On this table is a robot/android. The skin tone is much like Data’s from TNG. The robot is stretched out on the table, it looks like it’s there awaiting an exam. Then a figure (point of view is that it is my arm *and* the arm of the robot) taking a long knife and plunging it into the side, just below the chest. “I” am standing at the head of the robot while this happens, so the knife has been inserted into the left side. There is a small welling up of blood.

At this point, the dream gets more weird and brutal. As the knife is twisted, first one way then the other, a voice seems to chant “Kill the robot” over and over. While the knife is being twisted, the robot starts screaming. Then, the robot seems to take over, using the knife to cut away at itself, while screaming in pain… until all its internal organs (much more human-like than robotic – with lots of blood and gore) are all over the place. It then gets up (?) to start doing the same thing to another robot. Here I seem to hear not only the ongoing chant of “Kill the robot” but also a litany of “pain begets pain” or “violence breeds violence” or a combination of the both of them. I’m helpless in watching the horror as I can’t seem to make myself turn away. All the time, the “robots” are being eviscerated and are screaming in agony until they are all destroyed.  The whole time, my perception is *still* that of observer, participant and ‘victim’.

The next dream: Again with the weird three-way p.o.v.

“I” am in a residential complex that seems to border on an industrial one. I have this great sense of urgency because for some reason I am being hunted. I seem to know that if I am ‘found’ that I will be destroyed. I go into this old building (exterior is red brick) and find my way into an apartment that is filled to virtually overflowing with all manner of things. Lots of vintage furniture, knick knacks and other accumulations of a person who has a love of things. It seems like it is an old Victorian style of home combined with a storehouse of things. There is still a sense of urgency, but “I” am sidetracked by all the apparent “treasures” found here. Then I realize that I am not really alone. There is some other ‘person’ with me… completely non-threatening and more seeming to be trying to stay hidden from me. Right about this time, I woke up… startled, from sleep.

Commentary for first dream: Given that the First Part of the Word of Set is dealing with the creation of a foundation, one of the first things that generally has to happen is a clearing away of detritus. In my case, it’s also about “Waking Up” facing my old Self and clearing out old patterns of behaviour.

Commentary for second dream: Apparently, my old Self does not want to be destroyed and is showing me that there are treasures to be found in some of my old behaviours – either that, or my “monkey brain” (a.k.a. limbic system) is prepared to put up a fight by saying “But see? There’s lots of things you don’t want to get rid of or destroy!” Which brings to mind a segment in the movie Labyrinth where Sarah is shown her old room and the ‘old woman’ keeps telling her that she really doesn’t want to get rid of her old items and starts packing them on her back. Sarah eventually “wakes up” and realizes that in order for her to grow, she has to let her childhood things (thought patterns, etc.) go.